Free Motion Quilting
Learn to Free motion quilt
Free Motion Quilting Teacher: Lisa Barringer Class fee includes sample/sandwiches to use to practice the free motion quilting Sewing Machine: In good working order you have a good working understanding/knowledge of the machine You must be able to drop your machine?s feed dogs. You need to know how to do it PRIOR to coming to class. A Free motion Quilting machine foot. It is often called a darning foot. This foot is designed to smoothly glide over the fabric while still keeping the fabric down when stitching in all different directions. There are different styles available from plastic to metal, from open-toed to closed. This foot is required. One may have come with your machine or they are available at Sewing centers. Thread - different colors for top thread and bobbin so you have a sharp contrast to be able to see your free motion quilting. I suggest 4 different colors if you have them. Scissors Sewing machine needles Quilting pins Quilting gloves (several options are available at Gruber?s) I find these are necessary to give me the control I want to move my quilt
Instructor Name:
Lisa Barringer
Free Motion Quilting
$ 35.00